1)Aweber Subscribe email placed in aweber_subscriber(table in db) by aweber_get_list_emails.php(cron) and get_webhook.php file. 2)mailchimp_webhook.php and mailchimp_get_list_email.php(cron) use to get mailchimp email from list_id=bc514c76f8(primary list) and add in mailchimp_data(table in db). 3) mailchimp_get.php file(cron mailchimp_list_change) this script use to fetch email from aweber_subscriber (table having status="not_move") and check if it find in mailchimp_data(table) then move email in list_id=b33f704a55(secondary list) and set status='move' in aweber_subscriber(table). 4) new_mailchimp_webhook_get.php script is use to get email from another mailchimp account and add email in new_mailchimp_data(table). 5) put_subscriber_oldmailchimp_from_new.php script(cron add_subscriber_old_mailchimp_from_new) use to fetch email from new_mailchimp_data(table) and check wether email is not find in aweber_subscriber(table in db) and mailchimp_data(table in db) then add email in list_id=0e3b5a8409 ,list_name=Sam Subscribers (Other than all lists) mailchimp_data(table) in old mailchimp account. also add email in subscriber_not_find_aweber_mailchimp(table) when it not found in aweber and old mailchimp.